One Room Challenge Fall 2021
Week 6 of ORC I wanted to get the floating shelves completed, that didn’t work out, but we are still moving forward!
Week 5 of ORC was painting week! It’s so nice to see the room not looking like a construction zone! Everything is starting to come together.
My dining chairs got a major makeover for week 4 of the One Room Challenge. Click to read how I did it!
Week 3 of ORC, here we go! This week was all about drywall repair. I am SO glad this part of the project is done! Click to read how the process went.
The Fall 2021 One Room Challenge has begun! I’m excited and nervous to tackle this project. Take a look at my plan for the dining room.
Fall 2021 ORC has come to an end. It’s time for the dining room reveal!!